Examples of the Tag Cloud in an Accordion

This post demonstrates the use of a shortcode to display a tag cloud in an accordion where you can vertically slide open/close the tags of a group.


This shortcode displays your tags in a vertical accordion, one tag cloud for each group.These tag clouds use the built-in theme “delta” with “mouseover” enabled.


See all parameters.

Mouseover Effect, Heightstyle=Content

The segments (groups) open when you hover your mouse pointer over them.


[tag_groups_accordion order=DESC orderby=count mouseover=1 heightstyle=content]


Collapsible, Sorting by Name, Heightstyle=Auto

Groups can be all closed (toggle open/close).


[tag_groups_accordion div_id=accordion2 orderby=name collapsible=1 heightstyle=auto]


Sorting by Natural Order, Using Color

Natural order is particularly important for numbers. Read more about it in this post.

We also append the post count and use color.((Custom styling is for advanced users and requires knowledge of CSS. The theme “tag-groups-theme-black” comes only with the premium plans but alternatively you can create similar colors with own CSS.))


[tag_groups_accordion orderby=natural append="{count} div_class="tag-groups-theme-black"]
