This is a demo of the Toggle Post Filter with sample posts. We also have other demos where you find more layouts. Check out the overview page.
• menu layout: wide with buttons
• body (posts) layout: masonry
• theme: light
• operator: “IN AND” (at least one tag matches from each group)
• text search: enabled, triggered on Enter or after changes
• post template: custom template, without date and author
• The “persistent filter” remembers for 60 minutes, which filters you selected and which post you clicked.
• We also used the “static taxonomy” parameter with a category to show only language courses.
• Tags (toggles) were sorted by their descriptions where we used numbers to set a custom order.
• We used a custom logic operator “all:and|8:or|9:or|10:and”; the tags of the groups “language” and “type” are connected with OR, the tags of the group “level” are connected with AND, and all groups are connected with AND.
• Search for a key word. Or search for a key word starting with a dash to exclude that word.
• Use tags from the same group to get more results. Add tags from another group to narrow down the result.
• When you add more tags from the “Level” group, you will see that the number of posts becomes smaller because this group uses the logical operator AND.
• Use the left/right cursor keys to flip through pages.
• Click through to a post and return to the list to continue where you left off.
We used the following shortcodes. If you like to try them on your site, you may have to replace the group IDs (“include”) with your own values.
[tag_groups_tpf_menu caching_time=60 icon_class="dashicons-heart" include="8,9,10" layout="wide_button" operator="IN AND" term_order="ASC" term_orderby="term_order" text_search=2 title_text_search="Search a course" operator="all:and|8:or|9:or|10:and"]
[tag_groups_tpf_body default_show_posts=1 layout="masonry" legacy=0 message_amount_plural="{count} courses found." message_amount_singular="1 course found." pager=1 posts_per_page=6 posts_placeholder="Narrow down."]